Welcome to Piperton Baptist Church! We love to worship God together, where the transforming message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached weekly, where authentic community can be found, and where we are intentional about making disciples of Jesus.

Location & Times

Church/Office Location:
205 East Old Stateline Rd | Piperton, TN 38017

Sunday Morning Times:
9:30am (In-Person Small Groups) | 10:30am (In-Person Service)

Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday (9:00am - 5:00pm)


Children’s Ministry CHECK-IN PROCESS

The Children’s Ministry at PBC asks all parents to check-in their children in the children’s wing of the church (South side of the building).

Attending PBC for the first time? We ask that you see the volunteer in the check-in area to assist you with getting your children checked-in. Fill out the registration form and complete a check-in sticker for each of your children. Put the top portion of the sticker on your child, and bring the bottom portion with you when you pick up your child.